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Ardent Paralegal

We've got you covered!

We provide high-quality outsourced staff that deliver results.

Here's what we have accomplished

Since we began serving, we have enabled the following hallmarks


From 2015 to 2023, Ardent has increased the number of law firms served by 67% annually

43% Personnel Growth

An average annual staff growth of over 43% proves that we invest in people.

Over 500%

Over 500% in case handling growth from 2015 to 2023 with an average annual growth of 41%

Ardent Paralegal


This pertains to how outsourcing for tasks that can be handled externally can cushion impacts of operational costs while maintaining operational effectiveness.

Efficiency Gains

Effeciency Gains

This refers to the reduction in the amount of time and resources needed for task completion, ultimately boosting the firm's overall performance and profitability.

Peace of Mind

Peace of

This connects to the liberating sense of being secure and worry-free from experiencing Ardent's benefits and advantages.

Our Services

Client intake

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Gathering essential details is made easy with our client intake system. We provide law firms with a reliable and efficient solution to collect critical information required to build strong cases.


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Our client communications services include a hassle-free appointment scheduling feature that connects clients with suitable medical providers in their area.



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We organize and maintain digital files, ensuring all documents are up-to-date and easily accessible when needed.


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We respond to routine client inquiries with proper pain coaching and provide regular case updates, combining technology and human touch.


We enhance your case value by establishing liability and preventing treatment gaps, ensuring efficient legal case handling for timely resolution and maximum compensation.






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Medical Records

Our support services include facilitating the retrieval of medical records and ensuring the prompt acquisition of essential medical and billing documents to bolster aggravation claims on time.





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We help you maximize your client's recovery by negotiating their medical bills and liens to the most favorable amount, ensuring they receive their optimal and rightful compensation.






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We draft demand letters summarizing the client's injuries, medical treatment, and financial losses to initiate settlement negotiations with the insurance carrier.






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Schedule your free discovery call now and learn how we can help you

Ardent Paralegal

We will support you the best way
we can

How it works

How it works

Tell us what you need

Talk to us. Let us know how we can help you. To ensure a smooth legal support process, it is essential to define your requirements, fill out intake forms, review and sign engagement agreements, and contracts

How it works

Recruitment and Selection

We will recruit and conduct initial interviews, undergo pre-employment screening, and select the best candidates for you followed by scheduling your online interviews for your convenience.

How it works

Training and Onboarding

We will provide tailored training and coaching using both our own materials and yours, to guide them to be successful in their role and and ensure the best fit for your needs.

How it works

Performance Management

The training process ensures that the staff are fully prepared for work with onboarding scheduled and performance monitored by an operations manager to a team leader.

Say goodbye to working harder and let us bring you the rockstar staff that you deserve. Maximize your potential and achieve your goals with Ardent today!

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